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Important-Group 06, 11, 14, 18 exam dates are not declared yet. So please check the admit card and date link again. And as dates are not declared so you will also have to wait for the admit card.

You should check the provisional admit card for Samuh-g or group-c exam-2011 for those groups whose dates and centers are already declared by clicking here 
And write your name and DOB correctly as mentioned in the application form.

Or check other information in this website.

Other group’s exam dates are yet to be declared. So wait till then. And don’t try to download other group admit cards whose exam dates and center are not declared till now.
Even if various dates are declared, you should try to download admit card few days before the latest groups’ exam date for your own sake. As the link for admit card may not be active till then (as seen in the previous group exam cases). So it will or may show you “no record found” or something of this sort, which may then disturb you unnecessarily.

Even if you can’t get your admit card 2-3 days before the exam through internet or by post, there are other ways described in the appropriate article to get you admit card unless your application has not been rejected for any reason.

In case of rejection of your application you should try to contact UBTER on the numbers given below. Better to contact them in person.

Further as the dates of different groups are being declared in stepwise manner you just need to log-in frequently to see or search the updated information of the related articles in this website ( or read the previous comments below the relevant post or if necessary just write your own comment (please read “how to get latest update from …” on top of the website) with all details in short and check after few days for the answer.

Note- if you have followed the matter properly and done everything mentioned above or in the other articles related to your problem, you may not need to ask anyone or go anywhere.
Even if you are doing everything correct from your side and still the problem persist then tell us. We will also try to look into the matter.

For details of the new declared exam date sheet and group codes with post codes of Samuh-g or group-c or related latest news click here

One point that you must be aware of is that there are 27 group codes and these include 60 various post codes (post names e.g. Computer programmer, lab assistant, photographer, physiotherapist etc. in different government departments of the Uttarakhand.)
FOR EXAMPLE- group-8 of Samuh- ‘ga’ include post code of 9 (lab assistant for pravidhik siksha vibhag), post code of 14 (lab technician) and post code of 46 (lab assistant in Ayurveda and Yunani services).  
This might confuse someone. And it has been noticed that peoples have applied for as many as 5 post codes per person.
So check carefully the post codes along with the group codes for your exam dates and other details.
And as far as exam centers of the group-c or Samuh-ga is concerned, first Samuh-g exam-2011 is in Dehradun only. For rest of the group code exams other center may be included.  Please check here regularly for any update on issue of Samuh-g in Uttarakhand.
For further queries and assistance we can suggest you to call UBTER on following numbers- 01332-276371, 276349.
 If you want to know about the group codes, post codes, number and type of vacancies or other details of the group-c or Samuh-g recruitment (phase-1) advertisement please check previous articles in this Blog.

Anyone having the papers of Samuh-g exam or recently held Samuh-ga exam can send it to our E-Mail address and we will publish it for all to see.

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