UKPSC Haridwar has declared the official answer keys of the various optional subjects of Uttarakhand PCS pre exam 2010 held on 8 January, 2012.
Answer keys of SET A, B, C and D of General Studies and the other subjects like Agriculture, Botany, History, Geography, Public Administration, Chemistry, Zoology, Commerce, Economics, Political Science, Statistics, Maths, Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology, Physics, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Law, Geology, Animal and Veterinary Sciences, Computer Sciences and Forestry and Environment are there in the link below.
Click here to check or download the official answer key of the various subjects
Again there are mistakes in the official answer keys. We will discuss them later. So please visit again for more update.
If you find errors in the answer sheets of the UKPCS pre exam please share with us through comments below.
You can write to the UKPSC about the wrong answers or any doubts in the answers from 17th Feb to 2nd March 2012.
We are giving you an example how to write letter or application regarding this in new article. Click here to know about How to report answers key mistakes in UKPSC exams
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