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Download application form for Village Development Officers (VDO) or Gram Panchayat Vikas Adhikari recruitment 2012-13, Application format for the VDO

As per the request of many of our visitors and non availability of the form for the peoples residing outside the state we are giving here the two scanned photo of the application form as published in the newspapers. What you have to do is to download those photos or the scanned copies of the form and use them. We thank to Rajender Bisht who send them to us.
You can also get it typed, if not visible properly, it in the normal paper and fill the form and send it via speed post.

1- Item 1 to 11 of the VDO form is in part 1 given below:

 2- Item 12 t o15 and the “SC/ST/OBC category format” is in part-2 given below:

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