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L.T. result Uttarakhand 2010-2011-SOME HARD FACTS

Well the result of the Uttarakhand LT recruitment 2010-11 is already out, but there are some issues which need to be resolved before it is accepted by the general public.
Peoples are raising question about the credibility of the result. But I feel it would be extremism to make such a sweeping statement without proper evidences.
They have declared the result in somewhat quick manner for the benefit of all and to keep the things transparent they also provided the carbon copy of the answer sheets to the candidates for all that the UBTER need to be praised.
But there are some points which I would like to put up before you all and hope you all will take proper notice of them.
Why the revised answer keys were not declared before the final result.
It has come to my notice that some candidates have still issues regarding the validity of some answers. E.g. in case of SAMANYA set A question no. 55 can have two correct answers. And some candidates were not allotted marks for this mistake which was committed by the board. The concerned person had already written a letter in this regard to the board but the answer was not changed and the concerned person might almost touching the cut-off merit even crossing the cut-off had he been allotted mark for that question.
So now the question is -will the board rectify such answers? And if it does whole merit can change.
Further there are candidates whose academic and the tests marks are wrongly indicated in the score card.
Some candidates said that the extra marks which were supposed to be added to their academic total were not added to the score card.
And my last question is – where, when and how can those wronged candidates present their case?
people, perhaps, would not like to see this matter also dragged to the court.
Hope the technical board or the government would do the needful for the unemployed educated youth.
What you peoples would like to say????
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