New-Click here to read about the result and revised answers keys of UTET-1 (15th November)
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Uttarakhand Teacher Eligibility Test (UTET) is going to be held on 10th July 2011 (according to latest info it may go up to last week of July)
It will contain single paper of 150 marks.
Time will be 1 hour and 30 minute.
Each question carry 1 mark and there no negative marking.
Cost of the form= Rs 640 (for general category), Rs 340 (for OBC/SC), Rs 240 (for handicap).
Date of availability of the form= after 16th of May 2011 at various designated post offices
Last date of the form= 4th June 2011
Minimum percentage =50 % (tentative for general, probably it would become 45%), 45 % (for others).
You must be resident of state of Uttarakhand and
You need to be registered in the employment exchange of Uttarakhand. graduates can also take part in TET OF Uttarakhand 2011. (According to the new rules declared by NCTE)
For further official details regarding the Uttarakhand TET (UTET-1) 2011 CLICK HERE
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tet or utet- good or bad, year wise btc in uttarakhand
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