Uttarakhand government has announced the much talked GROUP-
C RECRUITMENT PHASE-1 (SAMUH- ‘G’) vacancies through various Hindi dailies of 5th of
may 2011.
These include various posts of multiple departments.
It comes as a little bit of disappointment to us and others
after looking at the advertisement for the Group ‘C’ recruitment that there is
not to cheer a lot.
Most of the vacancies seem to be fit for the maths,
agriculture, zoology, computer and statistics degree holders. Or for the
diploma holders in special category.
Uttarakhand women would have the big share of the vacancies.
Last date of the form – 4th June
2011 (now extended up to 22nd July, 2011 and only
those candidates can fill the forms that are above 35 years of age but below 40
Other candidates who are below 35 years and had not applied or could
not apply before previous last dates are not eligible to apply now). So be
careful of that.
Upper age limit- 40 years (but with condition as explained
Fees have to be paid through the challan at the post offices
and bank draft.
For the details of the advertisement, challan,
eligibility criteria, download of the form and other details click on
these links
here to see the official advertisement of Samuh-g 2011 phase-1 recruitment.
here for latest information- dates of exam
here to know about syllabus, question papers, books, pattern of the Samuh-g or
group-c exam
dates of exams different group codes or post codes, exam centers of Samuh-g
exam-2011 read this
here to know about the answer keys or answer sheets of the various groups of
Samuh-g exam
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